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Art, Game Design

February 2011 - May 2011

Moink was my first larger scale project in my undergraduate career. I did more programming on this project than most other projects I worked on. I don't recall how, but somehow it was determined that I would lead this project. Naturally I rose to this brand new experience, and spent many nights awake making sure everything worked how it should. These were some of my first all-nighters on a game project. I've never looked back.


Moink is a 2D platformer game about an astronaut who becomes stranded on an alien planet. The goal is to fight through ten levels of aliens, travelling across this strange planet to find some source of fuel. Don't forget that leaving the space craft means a limited supply of oxygen!


You can view the source code and play the game by downloading the project here.

My Role:


I was an integral part of the game design for this project, while also programming and creating art assets.

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