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Defense of the Commons

Art, Game Design, Level Design

Summer 2013; January - May 2014

This game was produced by a group of students as a research project for a professor at RIT. The intention of the game is to teach its players the concept of the economic dilemma, "tragedy of the commons", through the accessibility of mobile networking and online players. 


This project started with just three students, including myself. We spent the summer coming up with ideas and making concept art for the game. This was definitely one of the most fun projects I worked on. I really enjoyed the style and the gameplay for this game.


Once it picked up again during Spring semester, my role became that of a level designer. I spent my time designing and creating maps for the action levels, and also made some designs for the user interface. Level design is something I have very little experience in, so this was very much a learning position for me.


We ran out of time to implement things, so the project never really finished. I would love to work on this again, if I could.

My Role:


Main artist. The design of the game was a collaborative effort by myself, the professor, and two other students.


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